Can I make a Rigidbody ignore child colliders for forces only?

I have a player character that looks like this:

The wings will have them too. Those six parts move constantly during play, and can be destroyed independently of the core body (think losing a wing in Starfox). Now, as I understand it, the Rigidbody acknowledges all of the children colliders when force is applied, which is why this collection of thin capsule colliders flies very differently than a single spherical collider with the same forces applied via the controls (especially torque, the capsules require much more). I am not sure if moving the parts, and therefore the overall profile of the ship, is dynamically affecting the way the rigidbody responds to force or if it is simply a matter of the overall volume or some other simpler calculation.

I wish to use the colliders for all the functions a collider provides, like collisions, raycasts and so fourth, but is there a way to do so and specifically opt them out of use in forces? It would be much simpler for my game if, for the purposes of steering, the game didn’t take the complex shape of the wings and engines, the fact they move and the ability to lose them into consideration, instead letting me fine tune changes to the controls my modifying the value of the torque applied.

I do not think having child colliders affects how forces affect the Rigidbody. When the colliders collide with things, they are considered to be part of the Rigidbody, but for simply applying forces, I believe they are ignored.