Can I make the camera see only a part of an object?

Hi, I’m creating a survival game and I’m working with the player model. I do not want the model of the player to be seen for the camera, but I solved it with the layers. But now I have a problem, is that when for example I cut a tree, the cut animation does not appear because the player is not visible in front of the camera

So I was wondering if, is there any way to make the camera only see a part of an object?

Or would you have to create another object that is the arms and put them to animate these?

Usually, in FPS games you use a seperate mesh for the players “FPS-Hands”, like this:

alt text

Reasons for that are for example that there won’t (or shouldn’t) be any higher detailed hands in the game than your own in terms of mesh and animation. Also, the first person hands animation rarely fits the animation of your third person mesh.

For example, if you are switching your equipped waepon in a FPS game, you often got some fancy animation from your perspective (think of the Deagle-flip in Counter Strike) while from the outside nothing really happens despite the weapon getting replaced

Now there definately are ways to hide parts of a certain mesh for a certain camera but I really suggest you to consider adding an extra fps hands mesh, the results will be way more satisfying! In case you still want to go with the partial-hiding, intuitively I’d say try seperating your player mesh into multiple meshes and using Layers to hide pieces that disturb your fps camera view would be the way to go