When I make dropdown UI and click it, its menu opened to below direction.
Can I change this direction to up? I want to make dropdown menu and below part of screen and if it opened downwards, can’t see because of its already screen’s bottom edge.
by the looks of it the dropdown instantiates a copy of the “template” child when you click on it.
You can move that template around such that it’ll appear elsewhere. I don’t see anything in it’s hierarchy that controls the order of the items being added to the “Content” recttransform though, there isn’t a layout group or anything. So the order is being governed by the script and sibling index. Which means even if you move the template above the dropdown it’ll still populate from the top down (a problem if there is a variable number of elements). You could create your own version by copying and altering the source code (https://bitbucket.org/Unity-Technologies/ui/src/0155c39e05ca5d7dcc97d9974256ef83bc122586/UnityEngine.UI/UI/Core/Dropdown.cs?at=5.2&fileviewer=file-view-default line 513 appears to do the parenting of the items, you’d need to set the sibling index once attached), or maybe extend it (not tried that yet )
edit: select the “template” in the recttransform tool mode, move the little blue circle to the bottom and it’ll populate “up” but the options are still in order starting at the top down