Can i make visible a GUI whit colliders?

Somebody help me please…

I tried to make visible a GUI when mi Character (spaceship) touch an object whit colliders (Planet)

in this GUI i want to show some information that can be different in each planet

What are you doing already and what can’t you achieve?
Are you showing some kind of gui already? Does the collision event work? Does the gui supposed to appear next to the planet, or is there a designated area on the screen that you want to show the message?

In general (since I don’t know exactly what isn’t working for you) what you need is a scrpit on each of the planets that has OnCollisionEnter() function that will handle collision events (or OnTriggerEnter() that will handle trigger events, depends on how you set up your colliders). Each planet should have a collider, and your spaceship should have a collider, and either a character controller, or a Rigidbody component with isKinematic set to true so that the collision event (or trigger event) will work and you could still control it using scripts.

When the OnCollisionEnter() event fires, you show the GUI that is relevant to that planet, and when OnCollisionExit() event fires you hide it.
The information that is displayed can be a parameter in the script so that you can set it to be different in every instance of the script on each of the planets.

If you need to display it near the planet you will need to use Camera.WorldToScreenPoint() to calculate where to display the GUI…

Anyway, it’s hard to help without knowing exactly what you have already and what exactly doesn’t work for you… give some more details…