Can I run a project built with Unity in Vision Pro without a developer account?

I am using the Unity pro.
Because Apple developer accounts are paid, I do not have an Apple developer account.

I want to run a project created in Unity on Apple Vision Pro, but is there any way?

You only need a free Apple ID to build & run from Xcode on paired devices.

See here for instructions, also on how to pair your Vision Pro to Xcode:

You’ll need to do an additional step on the device to trust your Apple ID as a developer before the app can run (not sure how this works exactly on the Vision Pro).

Apps installed this way are only valid for 7 days, after this time they can no longer be opened and you’ll have to re-install them through Xcode.

There are some things that you cannot do without a paid Developer Program membership, mostly linked to additional capabilities and online services.

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