Can I store a value computed in one method outside of that method?

I am trying to access the currentAnswer value from the method shown below to use in another method. Will I have to make it a global variable? I do not want to call the method because it would generate a new random problem and answer. I am in the process of simplifying the method by breaking it down into smaller methods. I am still learning, so any critiques in that department would also be welcomed. Here is the code:

 public double GenerateRandomProblem()
        double firstRandomNumber;
        double secondRandomNumber;
        double currentAnswer = 0;

        string currentOperator = "";
        string space = " ";

        bool isCurrentAnswerAcceptable = false;

        Vector3[] buttonPositions = new Vector3[4];

        while (!isCurrentAnswerAcceptable)


            int currentOperatorCallNumber;

            currentOperatorCallNumber = Random.Range(1, 4);

            switch (currentOperatorCallNumber)
                case 1:
                    currentOperator = "+";
                case 2:
                    currentOperator = "-";
                case 3:
                    currentOperator = "/";
                case 4:
                    currentOperator = "*";

            firstRandomNumber = Random.Range(1, 10);
            secondRandomNumber = Random.Range(1, 10);

            switch (currentOperator)
                case "+":
                    currentAnswer = firstRandomNumber + secondRandomNumber;
                case "-":
                    currentAnswer = firstRandomNumber - secondRandomNumber;
                case "/":
                    currentAnswer = firstRandomNumber / secondRandomNumber;
                case "*":
                    currentAnswer = firstRandomNumber * secondRandomNumber;

            bool isCurrentAnswerAboveZero;

            if (currentAnswer > 0)
                isCurrentAnswerAboveZero = true;
                isCurrentAnswerAboveZero = false;

            bool isCurrentAnswerWholeNumber;

            if (currentAnswer % 1 == 0)
                isCurrentAnswerWholeNumber = true;
                isCurrentAnswerWholeNumber = false;

            if (isCurrentAnswerAboveZero == true && isCurrentAnswerWholeNumber == true)
                isCurrentAnswerAcceptable = true;
                isCurrentAnswerAcceptable = false;

            if (isCurrentAnswerAcceptable)

                int generateRandomButtonAnswerInt;
                double[] intsForButtons = new double[4];

                currentProblem.text = firstRandomNumber + space + currentOperator + space + secondRandomNumber;

                generateRandomButtonAnswerInt = Random.Range(0, 1);

                intsForButtons[0] = currentAnswer;
                intsForButtons[1] = currentAnswer - 1;
                intsForButtons[2] = currentAnswer + 1;

                if (generateRandomButtonAnswerInt == 0)
                    intsForButtons[3] = currentAnswer - 2;
                if (generateRandomButtonAnswerInt == 1)
                    intsForButtons[3] = currentAnswer + 2;

                button1.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = intsForButtons[0].ToString();
                button2.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = intsForButtons[1].ToString();
                button3.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = intsForButtons[2].ToString();
                button4.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = intsForButtons[3].ToString();                               

                buttonPositions[0] = button1Position;
                buttonPositions[1] = button2Position;
                buttonPositions[2] = button3Position;
                buttonPositions[3] = button4Position;


                button1.transform.localPosition = buttonPositions[0];
                button2.transform.localPosition = buttonPositions[1];
                button3.transform.localPosition = buttonPositions[2];
                button4.transform.localPosition = buttonPositions[3];                


        return currentAnswer;


You could have a public variable but you could also return the value with the method return type.
Bertrand Meyer devised the Command-query separation principle that could often be helpful to follow especially in your case. It states that a method should either be a command or a query. A command performs an action like calculating a new answer and the query would be to retrieve the current answer. No matter how many times you try to retrieve the answer it remains the same until you send a command to generate a new answer. An easy way of spotting a command is that it does not return anything, so it is always void. A query always has a return type. As for critique on your code I would say that you are trying way to many things in one method for it to be readable. I generally try to keep one method below 50 lines of code and the smaller the better as long as it makes everything more readable. Since you got no comments I have to read all of your code to get any idea of what your intentions are. This will also happen to yourself when you go back and read the code in a month or a year. So comment everything unless if it is really obvious or make it into small methods with good names so you can get the overall idea just by reading the method names. A good method only does one thing, but it does it really well.

@Pengocat I wrote in some quick comments, about to board a flight. Some feedback would be great.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class GameManagerScript : MonoBehaviour

    public Button button1;
    public Button button2;
    public Button button3;
    public Button button4;

    public Vector3 button1Position;
    public Vector3 button2Position;
    public Vector3 button3Position;
    public Vector3 button4Position;

    public int score;

    public string space = " ";

    List<double> currentTotalList = new List<double>();

    public Text currentProblem;
    public Text questionResult;
    public Text scoreBox;

    static System.Random _random = new System.Random();

    void Start()


    double GenerateFirstRandomNumber()
        double firstRandomNumber;

        firstRandomNumber = Random.Range(1, 10);

        return firstRandomNumber;

    double GenerateSecondRandomNumber()
        double secondRandomNumber;

        secondRandomNumber = Random.Range(1, 10);

        return secondRandomNumber;
    //this creates a random problem using the two generate random number methods above
    string GenerateFirstRandomProblem()
        double currentAnswer = 0;
        double firstRandomNumber;
        double secondRandomNumber;

        string completeEquation;

        firstRandomNumber = GenerateFirstRandomNumber();
        secondRandomNumber = GenerateSecondRandomNumber();

        string currentOperator = "";

        int currentOperatorCallNumber;

        currentOperatorCallNumber = Random.Range(1, 5);

        //this generates a random operator to be used for the current problem, these strings are also used to display the operator in the question box on game screen
        switch (currentOperatorCallNumber)
            case 1:
                currentOperator = "+";
            case 2:
                currentOperator = "-";
            case 3:
                currentOperator = "/";
            case 4:
                currentOperator = "x";

        //this takes whichever random operator was generated and puts it into use with the two random numbers
        switch (currentOperator)
            case "+":
                currentAnswer = firstRandomNumber + secondRandomNumber;
            case "-":
                currentAnswer = firstRandomNumber - secondRandomNumber;
            case "/":
                currentAnswer = firstRandomNumber / secondRandomNumber;
            case "x":
                currentAnswer = firstRandomNumber * secondRandomNumber;

        //this was converted to a string so that it can be easily read and manipulated later on
        completeEquation = firstRandomNumber.ToString() + space + currentOperator.ToString() + space + secondRandomNumber.ToString() + space + currentAnswer.ToString();

        return completeEquation;


    //this method takes in that first random problem that was generated, divides up each component of the equation, 
    //and then sends the answer to the equation into check current answer method, 
    //if is accepted under the guidelines laid out in the method, it is returned
    double GenerateFinalProblem()
        bool isAnswerAcceptable = false;

        double firstRandomNumber = 0;
        double secondRandomNumber = 0;
        double currentAnswer = 0;

        while (!isAnswerAcceptable)
            string currentEquation = GenerateFirstRandomProblem();
            string firstNumber = currentEquation.Split(' ').First();
            string currentOperator = currentEquation.Split(' ')[1];
            string secondNumber = currentEquation.Split(' ')[2];
            string answer = currentEquation.Split(' ').Last();

            firstRandomNumber = double.Parse(firstNumber);
            secondRandomNumber = double.Parse(secondNumber);
            currentAnswer = double.Parse(answer);

            if (CheckCurrentAnswer(currentAnswer))
                currentProblem.text = firstNumber + space + currentOperator + space + secondNumber;                
                isAnswerAcceptable = true;

        return currentAnswer;

    //this checks to make sure the current answer is a positive whole number
    public bool CheckCurrentAnswer(double currentAnswer)

        bool isCurrentAnswerAcceptable = false;

        bool isCurrentAnswerAboveZero;

        if (currentAnswer > 0)
            isCurrentAnswerAboveZero = true;
            isCurrentAnswerAboveZero = false;

        bool isCurrentAnswerWholeNumber;

        if (currentAnswer % 1 == 0)
            isCurrentAnswerWholeNumber = true;
            isCurrentAnswerWholeNumber = false;

        if (isCurrentAnswerAboveZero == true && isCurrentAnswerWholeNumber == true)
            isCurrentAnswerAcceptable = true;
            isCurrentAnswerAcceptable = false;

        return isCurrentAnswerAcceptable;


    //If all parameters are met, this will display the current problem
    //It will also generate the answer choices to fill the button,
    //and then shuffle the buttons around
    double DisplayProblem()


        double currentAnswer = GenerateFinalProblem();

        Vector3[] buttonPositions = new Vector3[4];

        int generateRandomButtonAnswerInt;
        double[] intsForButtons = new double[4];

        generateRandomButtonAnswerInt = Random.Range(0, 1);

        intsForButtons[0] = currentAnswer;
        intsForButtons[1] = currentAnswer - 1;
        intsForButtons[2] = currentAnswer + 1;

        if (generateRandomButtonAnswerInt == 0)
            intsForButtons[3] = currentAnswer - 2;
        if (generateRandomButtonAnswerInt == 1)
            intsForButtons[3] = currentAnswer + 2;

        button1.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = intsForButtons[0].ToString();
        button2.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = intsForButtons[1].ToString();
        button3.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = intsForButtons[2].ToString();
        button4.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = intsForButtons[3].ToString();

        buttonPositions[0] = button1Position;
        buttonPositions[1] = button2Position;
        buttonPositions[2] = button3Position;
        buttonPositions[3] = button4Position;


        button1.transform.localPosition = buttonPositions[0];
        button2.transform.localPosition = buttonPositions[1];
        button3.transform.localPosition = buttonPositions[2];
        button4.transform.localPosition = buttonPositions[3];

        return currentAnswer;


    //this generates a list of each correct answer, and sums them up
    double StorePreviousAnswers(double currentAnswer)


        double currentTotal;

        currentTotal = currentTotalList.Sum();
        return currentTotal;

    //This generates the next problem if the correct answer is selected
    void GenerateNextProblem()

    //this plays out when the correct answer is selected and tallies a simple score
    public void DisplayCorrectResult()

        questionResult.text = "Correct";
        scoreBox.text = score.ToString();


    //this waits one second, then closes the application if the wrong answer is selected
    public void DisplayIncorrectResult()

        questionResult.text = "You Lose";
        Invoke("QuitApplication", 1);    

    //logic for closing application in editor
    void QuitApplication()

        UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;


    //initializes the original positions of each button
    void InitializeButtonPositions()
        button1Position = button1.transform.localPosition;
        button2Position = button2.transform.localPosition;
        button3Position = button3.transform.localPosition;
        button4Position = button4.transform.localPosition;

    //this is a Fisher-Yates shuffle method
    static void Shuffle<T>(T[] array)
        int n = array.Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            int r = i + (int)(_random.NextDouble() * (n - i));
            T t = array[r];
            array[r] = array*;*

array = t;
