Can I use Animation Rigging with DOTS?


No. Animation Rigging is built to work with the Animator. DOTS.Animation will have its own set of constraints and workflows, but we aim for these to be compatible with Animation Rigging as much as can be.

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Whats a rough estimate of the first release of DOTS Animation?

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I replied to this question in your other thread Abbrew but for the benefit of everyone here:
We are working on animation for ECS entities as we speak. It’s difficult to come up with a precise date for when it will be released, we are still in the experimental phase so things are evolving rapidly. If you are interested to have a look at the latest experimental public release, we shared the Unity.Animation.Samples at Unite 2019.
Expect more news early 2021.

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Will this new “ECS Animation Rigging” package work with Project Tiny and the DOTS Runtime? Or is this not expected to work with Project Tiny? :sweat_smile:
Alternatively, might a watered-down implementation of this new “ECS Animation Rigging” Package come to Project Tiny in the future?

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@simonbz can you give more details about this compatibility please?
There are already working dots animation examples so the progress has been made since you wrote this, I’m curious to see how the two would be used together.

When I talk about compatibility, I mean that all DOTS.Animation constraints are mirrored on what Animation Rigging has been doing. Functionality wise, they should operate the same.

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Any update on Animation Rigging on DOTS?