Hi i am new in unity i heard c# is a good faster languange but when you whant to make a game for android can use c# instead of java script??,Hi… i am a begginer in unity…i heard c# is a faster language and i want to use it but when you want to make games for android can you use c# insetead of javascript??
Yes. You can build the project to Android in Build Settings.
Open download page and download, once done, restart Unity and you should be able to build to Android.
If you have installed the Android support (one of the options on installation) for Unity, then you can target Android devices.
You will most likely want to adjust your player settings so that you can target the common resolutions of devices out there, and Android has quite a few.
When you’ve finished debugging your application and it looks pretty solid, consider modifying your project to do an IL2CPP build. This will transcompile the C# code to C++ and then recompile into a faster (and smaller) package which is more friendly for mobile devices. You will need to have the Android NDK installed and set its path in your External Tools preferences.