Can I use Custom Render Texture on OpenGL ES 3.0?

I cannot find minimum requirements for Custom Render Texture.
But it doesn’t work on ES 3.0 android devices. And some ES 3.1 app emulators. (might be driver issue?)

Does OpenGL ES supports Custom Render Texture? If not, how can I check this on runtime?

It depends on the render texture format you use.
Custom render textures should be supported.

I think only ES 2.0 is not supported (it requires vertexID).

Thanks for the answer!
I double checked RenderTextureFormat, and I just figured out that if I turn on Double Buffered option, it doesn’t work on ES 3.0 deviecs.

Should I implement custom double buffering? or do I missing something?

What RenderTextureFormat do you use?

I tested ARGB32 and R8
And both were true via SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat

That’s… odd.
Can you please submit a bug report?