Can I use the animations of an Asset (from Asset Store) in my own models?

I want to buy an asset exclusively for it’s animations (.anim, .fbx), not because the animated 3D models. Is it possible (legally) to use the animations in my own models? In other words: Am I buying and getting rights to use all the elements of an asset separately or just what is advertised (animated 3D models)?

Thanks in advance. I really appreciate your comments :slight_smile:

You CAN use them in a games you create. You can NOT distribute those animations as separate files in animation format - for instance - available in a modable game where the players/moders can access the animation files separately.

Also you can NOT use them in an asset you plan to create and resell.

But in a game you want to sell - or distribute - YES - you can use them - because the game gets compiled into info where the animation data is not reusable by others - other than you - who used it in your game.