Can IEnumerator be called more than once?

I have an Enemy script setup that chases a player with a chase range of 4. I then coded it to make the enemy be more aggressive if attacked, this would double the chase range. Next I coded for the enemy to wait 15 seconds and then reset to chase range of 4. My issues is that the reset only works the first time. If I go attack them again then run they IEnumerator does not run a second time to reset the chase distance/remove the aggressive tag. This is my first time using IEnumerator code, can anyone help me out?

void Start()
    startPosition = transform.position;
    dchaseRange = 4;

  void Update()
        float playerDist = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, player.transform.position);

        if(playerDist <= attackRange)
            // attack the player
            if(Time.time - lastAttackTime >= attackRate)

            rig.velocity =;

        else if(playerDist <= chaseRange)
            // Chase player
            rig.velocity =;
            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, startPosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            if(aggressive == true)

    IEnumerator CoUpdate()
        if(chaseRange > dchaseRange)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(15f);
            chaseRange = dchaseRange;
            aggressive = false;

    void Chase ()
        Vector2 dir = (player.transform.position - transform.position).normalized;
        rig.velocity = dir * moveSpeed;

    public void TakeDamage (int damageTaken)
        curHp -= damageTaken;
        aggressive = true;
        if(curHp <= 0)
    void Agro()
        if(chaseRange == dchaseRange)
            chaseRange *= 2;

    void Die ()
        // Give player xp

have a private Coroutine myRoutine or whatever, and if you want to call the routine again do something like

if (myRoutine != null) StopCoroutine(myRoutine);
myRoutine = StartCoroutine(WhateverRoutine());

the myRoutine variable will let you check on the status of the coroutine and stop it whenever you want.