Can not build...30 errors. Now working!

Yes i can not build a demo project or my own projects.
My system is an iMac with enough harddisc space and ram, Mac OS 10.5.5 and iPhone sdk 2.1.

I am an accepted iPhone developer from Apple and i have and use provisioning files in Unity by selecting the Edit Menu then Project Settings and then Player.
In the iPhone Bundle Identifier i wrote my provisioning name „de.stolley.thewanderer“.

Then like in the Video from Unity i hit build and run.

This is the error message i get:

Can´t install application

CFBundleExecutable doesn´t match built bundle at / Users/mathiasstolley/Destop/thewanderer/build/

I klick on OK and change at first the Device Release drop down menu in the xCode window from „Device - iPhone OS 2.0 (Project Setting)“ to „Device - iPhone OS 2.1“.

Then, like i read in the „Standard Program Portal User Guide for iPhone OS 2.1“ pdf from Apple, i klick under „Groups Files“, Targets on „Unity-iPhone“ and then on „Info“ from the top menu bar.

In the new open Project window i entered „iPhone Developer: Mathias Stolley“ under „Code Signing“,“Code Signing Identity„, „Any iPhone OS Device“ with a space between the : and Mathias.

Then, under „Code Signing Provisioning Provile“, „Any iPhone OS Device“ i choose „The Wanderer Provisioning Profile“

Under „Deployment“ „iPhone OS Deployment Target“ i read „iPhone OS 2.0.
I then close the window and hit „Build and Go“ (i try it with the standard setting and later change this to „iPhone OS 2.1“ with the same errors you can read next.)

I do not get the first error but in the linking phase i get 30 errors.

Building target“Unity-iPhone“ of project „Unity-iPhone“ with configuration „Release“ - (30 errors)
Linking /Users/mathiasstolley/Desktop/thewanderer/build/ (30 errors)
„_alSpeedOfSound“ , refered from:
AudioManager::AudioManager(ObjectCreationMode)in libiPhone-lib.a(AudioManager.o)

and on and on.
I have all the errors listet here:

In the forum link above i read something about a wrong „OpenAl“ Framework and found out that i have some of them on my harddisc (about 5 from different versions of Torque TGB and TGE).
Also some for Mac OS 10.5, Mac OS 10.4, iPhoneOS2.1 sdk, iPhoneOS2.0, iPhoneSimulator2.1 and iPhoneSimulator2.0.

So i changed the path in xCode to the one for iPhoneOS2.1 and later to the Mac OS 10.5 but without succes. So i tried them all, without succes.

Then i deleted the framework in the project and added it after that, witout succes.

So i get with all Demo projects from Unity and all my own projects, even with only one camera and one sphere, the same 30 errors.

But, i was able to install the „Unity Remote“ without a problem.

And now i am realy unsatisfied :o( and hope someone help me.
Lost 2 days completly until now becouse of that.

Most often the error is in front of the computer ;o)
So what is it that i do wrong or forget?

Please help!

( I just started a new thread because in the link above the problem that blibrob had, was solved and my problem seam to be another one.)

Ok, just installed again the iPhone 2.0 sdk, the iPhone 2.1 sdk and Unity for iPhone 1.0 and try it again.

Not much better :o(

Please help, maybe someone from the Unity team?

So now i tried out a regular Apple project.
Bubble Level (with sound)

Just downloaded it, then open the project, changed to the iPhone OS 2.1 device, then changed “iPhone Developer” to "iPhone Developer: Mathias Stolley) and choose one of my provisioning file.

Then i hit build an go and lucky me, it installed without an error on my iPhone.

So now i know it can work.

I want to know why it will not work with Unity iPhone?
Or better how it will work ;o)


Edit 1
Tried now the Apple oalTouch from Apple and get 19 errors so again i check the OpenAl.framework.

Ok ok, RobbieDingo and blibrob are right!!!

I just do not understand where i have to change the name of the OpenAl.framework.

Now everything is working :lol:

So if someone else have the same problem sometime, just rename the OpenAl.framework in the path:
Macintosch HD/Library/Frameworks/ to something like OpenAL(old).framework

Like they told us.
It is so easy :sweat_smile:

Thank you blibrob and RobbieDingo !!!

That worked! Thanks!

(I searched “CFBundleExecutable” to find this thread. That’s what was in the initial error, for me.)

same my error but now that worked.

thank for this topic. :wink: