i can not get unity to work. All that im trying to do is open the beginning project. I don’t have any firewalls turned on. i can not create a new project either. please help. this is so frustrating for me.
When i try to create a new project I get the message
" Failed to Resolve project Template: Failed to decompress:{C://Proram/Files/Unity/Editor/2019.4.2f1/Editor/Data/Resources/PackaeManager/ProjectTemplates/com.unity.template.3d-4.2.8.tgz}.
When I try to open files from unity learn i get the message
Failed to start the unity package manager local server process. Make sure the process C:/ProgramFiles/Unity/hub/editor/2019.4.2f1/editor/data/resources/packaemanaer/server/unitypackagemanager.exe] is not blocked by windows defender or any other anti virus configuration.