Can not move or rotate parent of a bone that uses a Multi-Aim Constraint

Hi, I am trying to use a multi-aim constraint to drive a character’s eyes and it works, though enabling Maintain Rotation Offset does not seem to work properly.

But my main issue is that I can’t rotate or translate the parent of the constrained bone while in play mode.
Is this the intended behaviour?

For more context, the character in the screen capture did not have any animator/animation playing.

After more testing, the issue seems to happen only in play mode. In animation preview the parent bone can be rotated and translated as expected.


The parent transform is probably not registered in the animation stream since it’s either not animated, or directly referenced by the MultiAim constraint. Try adding a RigTransform component to the GameObject if you intend to modify the transform values during gameplay.

Look for RigTransform in the documentation for more information:


Thanks @simonbz I missed that part while going through the documentation at first. Now it works nicely!