Since yesterday i can not open the asset store.
The window opens but there is nothing inside and unity give me the failure message “TypeError: Result of expression ‘’ [undefined] is not an object.” in a new, empty project or one that worked the other day.
As much as i like the idear of the asset store it is a pain to work with it.
I have so many problems with it that sometimes it will not load all of my things, sometimes i have to wait so long to load it and now i can not get to anything i bought since two days.
Can someone please tell where unity store the downloaded assets so i grab them by hand?
4 days later and still same problem. I haven’t been able to open the asset store from my computer for a week now. I’ve submitted like 5 bug reports so far, and not much of an answer.
I’ve no problem at all, been updating my stuff from the AS etc all week long.
Sounds more like your carriers routing to Telia is making trouble or your ISPs DNS . Had that problem for 3-4 days like a month ago when one of the inbetween main hops had its trouble and I ended on lost lines to more than just AS.
if its the DNS its easy to solve: go into your network settings and add an alternative DNS, namely - thats googles DNS and hell will freeze before it fails
Dreamora: what do you mean by my “carriers routing to telia” sucking?
I’m getting the following errors:
TypeError: Result of expression ‘’ [undefined] is not an object.
TypeError: Result of expression ‘a$.login’ [undefined] is not an object.
The page loads the right menu and then the built-in browser fails with the errors above.
There is obviously big maintenance happening at the store. Since yesterday, I have been asked 3 or 4 times to confirm my account before being able to purchase anything. Re-confirming it several times had no effect. Only solution I found : log out/in each time I visit the store. But even with this workaround, I still get repeating non-blocking “unknown error” messages during the purchase process.
Other problem, although I don’t know if it is related to the store or to a 3.4.1 compatibility issue : some donwloaded packages won’t even import - or more precisely, from what the console says : they can’t decompress. I noticed this at least on Context Menus and Wonderful MirrorReflection.
What OS are you on? This same problem has happened several times in the past with the Mega-Fiers package on Mac OS X Lion with Unity 3.4.0. It fails to decompress, yet if I download the same package through the Asset Store using Snow Leopard, it decompresses OK. The problem usually rectifies itself when the package author updates their package, but then a few updates later it happens again.
You could be on something here, after thinking about it I’ve had quite a bad connection this week with my internet going down for a few minutes several times a day. I’ll try the google DNS trick you suggested.
Looks like its a very widespread problem. There are at least 5 other threads about this now.
There is also the problem of “Already up to date” I have since beginning of Asset Store. Every time when I try to update extensions I bought, it will tell me I am “Already up to date”. I have to force update by choosing “Download Anyway”. Why can’t UT implement a system of fingerprinting submitted extensions and assets and check against that?
And also, another suggestion - an easy ONE CLICK “Update All” system to update all your extensions to the latest version much like the Apple App Store update system (Also let you update individually). It will be even better if Asset Store can notify you with a badge or pop up to tell you if a new version of extension or asset is on asset store too.
Just a quick info for a “maybe” workaround.
Because it do not work today and i am frustrated i klicked the seachfield and search for geture and then i got no search results but the buttons on the right appair and so i can click on home and then everything loaded.
Hope this helps a little and worked at your place too.
Hmm, ok this way i can browse what is all there to get but can not log in and download newer versions or buy something
Where is the log in and log out button. He´s gone.
After days of reading and research nothing had worked. I could not access the asset store. HERE is my solution. Type in Proxy at the start (icon in the bottom left corner). Configure proxy will show up. Click this and you are at the Internet properties menu. Go to Advanced tab. Go to Security in that tab. Click ‘Allow active content to run in files on My Computer’.
next step:
I use Firefox. In the Options tab found in the upper far right.Go to security. Open up exceptions. Type in: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making