We’re having a problem creating a usable Keystore-file for publishing an App to Google Play.
We are able to create the keystore-file using Unity–>PlayerSettings–>Publishing Settings–>Keystore Manager - but whenever we try to build the APP, we get the following error.
UnityException: Can not sign the application
Unable to sign the application; keystore file not found!
KeyStore Manager: you should notice the following scenarios:
Whenever we create a new keystore-file, including a single new key, Unity can automatically both select and set the keystore-location and the Project Key.
Whenever I point to an existing keystore-file, and have to select the project key, The UI is showing a line just below, saying [Wrong Password]
The keystore-file is always located in the same location as specified in Unity3D–>Edit–>Preferences–>[Keystores Dedicated Location] - see this link:
In order to find a solution to this problem we also have tried to generate a keystore-file with at new key by commandline:
keytool.exe -genkey -v -keystore C:\got.keystore -alias got -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
And tried importing the certificat downloaded on Google Play from the new App, hoping this will solve the problem:
keytool.exe -importcert -file “C:\deployment_cert.der” -keystore “C:\got.keystore”
Both with and without the suggested migration to the standard PKCS12 format:
keytool.exe -importkeystore -srckeystore C:/got.keystore -destkeystore C:/got.keystore -deststoretype pkcs12
The verification always shows a single key as expected, with a SHA1-fingerprint: got, DD-MM-YYY, PrivateKeyEntry:
keytool.exe -list -keystore C:/got.keystore"
But in all cases above we see similar errore, which either are indicating problems with password or location of the Keystore-file.
- The App is already released under iOS on AppStore.
- It can be deployed on locale Android-devices without problems.
- We are using Unity version 2019.2.0a4 (I know this is alpha, but the first upload is for internal tests solely)
- We are running Visual Studio Community Edition version 15.9.7 on Windows 10 with most reasent updates.
What are we doing wrong here?