Hello, I’m using subscene and I want to open subscene by script.
Because I found when I built project by new build configuration, it seems not opened the subscene even I opened in editor before I build.
So I’ve experimented in editor by using LoadSceneAsync method.
It looks like the subscene loaded well, but still in closed.
I wonder if there is a way to open subscene by script.
Thanks for reading.
By the way I’m using Entites 0.51 package and unity 2020 LTS(3.37f1).
ofcourse u can do that.
- Get SceneSystem
- SceneSystem.LoadScene( guid ) (u can get guid on go’s subscene)
Does this mean LoadSceneAsync? cause I’ve got this error.
- error CS1061: ‘SceneSystem’ does not contain a definition for ‘LoadScene’ and no accessible extension method ‘LoadScene’ accepting a first argument of type ‘SceneSystem’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
And I’ve already tried LoadSceneAsync which just load not open the subscene.
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my fault,that is LoadSceneAsync, show me your code.
Brefly, this is my code.
public SubScene prefabScene;
private void Start()
sceneSystem = entityManager.World.GetOrCreateSystem<SceneSystem>();
and this is what happening on my editor.
Is it possible to detect when a subscene is closed? I don’t see an event, and nearly all the functions in SubScene.cs are private by default so I can’t inherit SubScene and override a function such as AddSceneEntities() or OnValidate() without changing the source code of SubScene.cs itself.