Can Particle System ignore a given collider?

Physics.IgnoreCollision is handy to prevent collision between two given colliders. But is there something similar for avoiding collision between particles and a given collider?

I need particles from a system to collider against most objects, but also need to make sure each particle system ignores colliders from their own shooter, while still able to hit other shooters.

Fiddling with colliders to avoid collision is not an option, as arms are controlled individually and characters shape may vary due to customization.

Using Layers also can be very messy in this situation, as there can be many characters and I can’t define that many layers for projectiles and targets.

I appreciate all suggestions.

is it possible now?

For everyone looking for this now: In the particle system under “collision” and “Collision Quality” there is an option to chooses all layers, the particles can collide with. It is called “Collides With”.
(Unity 2020.1.6f1 - URP)


No but we will look into how we can improve things so that this is possible in the future.