Simple question, can’t seem to find any information on this, but having no luck seeing any of my semi-transparent emissive objects appear in my planar reflection probe. Opaque objects look great. Is it just not supported or is there a setting I’m missing?
There are specific settings in the HDRP Asset for planar reflection probes. I didn’t change any of these, but get correct reflections of transparent materials.
You do? That doesn’t seem to happen for me. In a brand new HDRP project, empty scene, I don’t see a semi transparent object appearing in the reflections on a floor - see the attached image. The red sphere is semi transparent and not visible in the floor, the white one is opaque and visible in the floor,
Not sure what happened in your project.
it works out of box in unity2021.2.3 hdrp12.
one thing needs to mention is you can not get reflection of transparent objects in SSR.

Hey, just want to clarify that this setting is for transparent objects to receive SSR, not to be able to see them in Screen Space Reflections.
Hey! Our frame settings (Both global and per camera ones) have a checkbox, meant specifically to enable/disable transparent objects in reflections. It should be enabled by default, but you could still check it. If it’s enabled and you still don’t see anything, I’d ask you to pack us a small repro project and send here
ahhhh sneaky! So yes, that setting seems to be off by default in 2020.3.14f1. I had to hunt around for it, but found it - here it is in case anyone else wanders into this thread with the same issue.
Thanks JansM!