Can procedural "reaction" animations be made?


Is it possible to set up procedural “damaged” animations?

For instance, if a skeleton in the idle animation is hit with a rigidbody sphere, could animation rigging be used in some way to generate a “reaction” of some sort to getting damaged in that location?

As far as I know, most games will disable animations and use ragdolls for such effects. Is it possible to blend a ragdoll with an animation to achieve this? Or is there a better way?

Animation rigging is useful in procedurally altering existing animations, it won’t have much utility if your character is not animated. Seek to imagine a generic animation which to alter through a specific or general technique via animation rigging.

yes it’s possible, attach a rigidbody or a collider, to the source Target (example two bone IK), you generated a reaction, satisfying ?

now! answer the question in my post thread too :wink: