Can someone explain how Unity Lobby works?

Hello. I would like to explore Unity’s Netcode and Lobby system (and Matchmaking later).
And I want to know how exactly I can use the Free Tier Netcode: UGS Pricing

As you can see there, the Lobby system got free 10GiB of traffic, I need to know how much players can play at the same time for 1 month?

My current game expectations is: (max) 6 players per room & about 500-1000 players in total.
Is Free Tier Lobby can handle such number of players for 1 month?
I mean, the Lobby use traffic only while connecting people with each other and not while they are playing?

To make it clear, I will host the game server on my dedicated server, so i don’t need the Relay.

Not a question that you can direct to others. :wink:

You have to answer this question yourself! By estimating how much Lobby traffic these players generate - this is largely up to how you program it and what data players share, as well as player behaviour. For instance, if players frequently join and leave in quick succession traffic goes up. This may be because players are very impatient or due to programming bugs or UX issues ie mislabeled buttons and so forth. Regardless, your estimates will be far off, anyone else’s estimates will be even further off.

You can use my Unity Gaming Services Calculator to make some estimates.