Can someone explain some parts of the new Unity TOS?

after reviewing the TOS I’m a bit confused if I’m allowed to create and distribute commercial apps that uses main functionality like physics simulation.

for example can’t I use unity to create a small standalone physics simulation apps where the user play with parameter as he want ?

That is definitely allowed. As far as I know you’re allowed to make (almost, maybe a virus would void ToS?) anything in Unity. Just make sure you ge the right license.

The term game also is very flexible. Anything with at least one interaction (aka all digital elements) can be considered games

Thank you for your reply got a little confused about what exactly those lines means,

so apparently it’s referring to the use and exposing the “unity editor” or interacting with it’s functionality throw another tech like a (SaaS), but if my end product is the final “unity runtime app” even if I’m exposing functionality and parameters from the physics engine to my runtime executable still fine right ?

I think the short answer is in laymens practical

do not take the stuff and edit it and pretend its your own, do not use the stuff and sell it as part of your own stuff

so, for example:

Make a text thing, and sell it with the textmesh pro code/samples/etc actually contained in it, just rely on the package

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