Can someone help and tell what's wrong with my script?

Yep, I need help with this script. What I want it to do is that if the object is at y 8.17 it stops but it doesn’t stop and just goes down. What’s wrong?

     void Update()
         transform.Translate (0.7f*Time.deltaTime, 0f*Time.deltaTime, 0f*Time.deltaTime);
         if (transform.position.y >= 8.17 && transform.position.y <= 8.88);
             transform.Translate (0.7f*Time.deltaTime, -10f*Time.deltaTime, 0f*Time.deltaTime);
             if (transform.position.y == 8.17);
                 transform.Translate (0.7f*Time.deltaTime, 0f*Time.deltaTime, 0f*Time.deltaTime);

The Problem is that you are not moving on the y axis but on the x axis

use this script, it means only if y not equals to 8.17, do translation.
if equal to 8.17, nothing will happen.(but if you are using ridgid body it will still go down as the gravity)

   void Update() {

      transform.Translate (0.7f*Time.deltaTime, 0f*Time.deltaTime, 0f*Time.deltaTime);

      if (transform.position.y >= 8.17 && transform.position.y <= 8.88);
          if (transform.position.y != 8.17);
            transform.Translate (0.7f*Time.deltaTime, -10f*Time.deltaTime, 0f*Time.deltaTime);
