Can someone help me understand why this C# script isn't working?

I’m working on learning Unity & C#, so I’m just building a few random things in Unity to help me get the hang both Unity and C#, before I attempt to make an actual game. That being said I have a script that; seems like it should work, but doesn’t. Basically I’m attempting to change a variable in one script from a second script. PS. I’m very new to C# so please try and explain as simply as you can.
Script with my variables.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerBasics : MonoBehaviour 
	public static int Life = 10;
	public GameObject Player;
	public static bool fullPower = false;


I’m attempting to change the Life variable.
From this script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Lose_Health : MonoBehaviour 
	void OnTriggerEnter(Collider loseHealth) 
		if (loseHealth.CompareTag ("Player")
			PlayerBasics.Life -= 2;

I can’t understand why that doesn’t change the variable, because I have to problems doing the same thing to reference it in this script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Methods : MonoBehaviour 
	public void fullPower()
		//This is where the scripts for the main characters full power goes.

	public void healthCheck()
		if (PlayerBasics.Health <= 0) 
			//This should run after anything that deducts health
			Death ();

	public void Death()
		//This calls the GameOver scene

I sincerely appreciate any help.


 PlayerBasics.Life -= 2;


      loseHealth.GetComponent<PlayerBasics>.Life -= 2;

then it will work.
if you want to access a component you should assign it first.

    loseHealth.GetComponent<PlayerBasics>.Life -= 2; 

this code will get PlayerBasics’s component from the objcet that has a Boxcollider.

and about reference let me show you a simple example.

i want to change a variable from script 1 with script2.

    using System.Collections;
   using System.Collections.Generic;
   using UnityEngine;
   public class Script1 : MonoBehaviour {
   public int number;


********************************** and script 2

    using System.Collections;
   using System.Collections.Generic;
   using UnityEngine;
   public class Script2 : MonoBehaviour {
   public  Script1 s1;//now I have a variable name s1 and I want to access to Script1 via this variable

     void Start(){
     s1= FindObjectOfType<Script1> ();//it will search the scene and find the object with that has Script1 component.

     public void changeValue(){
     s1.number=5;//so the value of number is now 5 !!!
