Can someone help me with my script

Can someone help me with this script:

var projectil : Rigidbody;
var timer : float = 1;
var speed : float = 1;

function Update ()
timer -= Time.deltaTime;

if(Input.touchCount > 0)
var touch: Touch = Input.touches[0];

if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began guiTexture.HitTest(touch.position))

if ( timer <= 0 )
timer -= timer += speed;
Instantiate(projectil ,transform.position ,transform.rotation);

i doubt this. as you refuse to tell what is wrong with this script and what you want it to do. i think there are some forum rules/guidelines somewhere so please have a look at them. this way you only waste time of you and other people.
something urgent:
thread title describing the problem/topic in short words.
using code tags.
description of what happens and what you want to happen.