Can someone solve C1002 here

Schermafbeelding 2024-02-14 213133

You need to configure your IDE properly so it underlines errors in red and gives you proper autocomplete.

When it’s configured, you can properly create a string using double-quotes " instead of two single quotes.

Things wrong with this question:

  1. Nobody uses error codes. When you get an error, copy the full error message. It’s in plain english.
  2. Those error messages also contains line and column numbers which tell you exactly which line and which column the error was detected.
  3. Do not post code as a screenshot or image. Use code tags. There’s a button in the toolbar to insert code.
  4. When you ask a question, the title should reflect the topic. Generic phrases like “Please help”, “What is wrong?” and “I got an error” are pointless. Also at least include a little description of your problem.

On topic: As already mentioned, you used two single quotes '' instead of a double quote ".