can someone tell me what is wrong with my build?

I’m not sure what it is saying in these two lines, can someone please help it’s apparently game breaking but it shows no errors before i build it or in any of the scripts25890-wtf.png

here is the script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class MoveBobbyPin : MonoBehaviour 
	#region Editor Variables

	public LockPickManager LockPickManager = null;
	public bool EnableInput = false;
	public bool EnableUpInput = true;
	public bool EnableDownInput = true;
	public bool EnableLeftInput = true;
	public bool EnableRightInput = true;
	public float PinMovementSpeed = 1.0f;
	public float VertPinSpeedMultiplier = 1.0f;
	public float HorizontalPinSpeedMultiplier = 1.0f;
	public AudioClip PinContactSound = null;
	public AudioClip LockPickContactSound = null;

	private Vector3 OriginalPosition =;


	#region Public Methods

	public void Start()
		OriginalPosition = transform.position;

	public void Update()
		if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && LockPickManager.LockPickCompleted == true)
		else if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && LockPickManager.LockPickCompleted == false)

		CheckToSeeIfGameHasStarted ();

		if(EnableInput == true)
			if(Input.GetKey("up") && EnableUpInput == true)
				transform.Translate(Vector3.up * (PinMovementSpeed * VertPinSpeedMultiplier) * Time.deltaTime);

			if(Input.GetKey("down") && EnableDownInput == true)
				transform.Translate(Vector3.down * (PinMovementSpeed * VertPinSpeedMultiplier) * Time.deltaTime);
			if(Input.GetKey("left") && EnableLeftInput == true)
				transform.Translate(Vector3.left * (PinMovementSpeed * HorizontalPinSpeedMultiplier) * Time.deltaTime);
			if(Input.GetKey("right") && EnableRightInput == true)
				transform.Translate(Vector3.right * (PinMovementSpeed * HorizontalPinSpeedMultiplier) * Time.deltaTime);

	public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collidingObject)
		if(collidingObject.gameObject.tag == "KeySection" && PinContactSound != null)
			audio.clip = PinContactSound;
			audio.loop = false;


	#region Private Methods

	private void ResetBobbyPinPosition()
		transform.position = OriginalPosition;

	private void CheckToSeeIfGameHasStarted()
		if(LockPickManager.LockPickGameActive == true && LockPickManager != null)
			EnableInput = true;
		else if(LockPickManager.LockPickGameActive == false && LockPickManager != null)
			EnableInput = false;



You should always check for a null variable before attempting to check for its member variables. The two lines should look like this instead

 if(LockPickManager != null && LockPickManager.LockPickGameActive == true)
         EnableInput = true;
       else if(LockPickManager != null && LockPickManager.LockPickGameActive == false)
         EnableInput = false;