Can Specular be removed from HDRP ?

Its easy to remove Specular form lamps (Just uncheck affect specular.
But how to stop HDRI SKY from affecting Specular?

Example of HDRI SKY Specular reflection on pine tree.

Even by setting Specular collor to Black and Smoothness to 0 we still have this Specular reflection (top picture)

Directional lights have this Checkbox.
Is there way to block Specular reflections alltogether?


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RESOLVED by my Lead Programmer.
While using HDRP go to Project Settings → HDRP Default Settings ->Lighting and uncheck “Sky Lighting” and “Direct Specular Lighting”.
This Will remove any specularity from scene.


Thanks for posting the solution. You (and your lead programmer) are lifesavers.

Any way to disable this for URP?