Can´t attach any debuggers to editor

Project started showing the following error when opened:

Failed to start primary listening socket at (

Since then cannot attach Rider, Visual Studio or VS Code to it.


  • Opening ports on firewall.
  • Delete / Fresh unity and hub install.
  • Deleting .csproj files.
  • Regenerating project files.
  • Turning VPN off.

Not really sure what is going on here to be honest.

Restart computer?

Sometimes the service(s) used by the debugger freezes or fails until rebooting.

Yeah, that was my first instinct, but no luck with that as well.

Hmmm I’d check the editor.log for any possibly useful hints.

Otherwise I’d try reinstalling the IDEs, starting with your main one.

I also did that. Deleted all Rider old settings and versions.

Still no luck! Never saw this happen tbh :man_shrugging: