The method is called when my document gameobject is picked and added to, the list i have (documents)
When I have only 1 item in my list, the I can grab the documents info (title, etc), and make them show them the info in my UI when clicked, not necessary to post that method.
BUT, when I have 2 or more items in my list, I cannot access any item in the document list anymore, I believe its the int (documentIDToinstance), what this does is instantiating the correct “.document” info to the new UI element, so it shows like the actual document
public void PickedDocumentUp()
GameObject newbuttonToInst = Instantiate(FilePrefab); = documents[documentIDToInstance].documentTitle;
newbuttonToInst.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; //Sets where to instantiate the newButton
newbuttonToInst.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); //Sets the correct scale of the newButton
newbuttonToInst.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => { ReadClickedDocument(); }); //Set the function to read the document
Component[] components;
components = GetComponentsInChildren<Text>();
components[0].GetComponent<Text>().text = documents[documentIDToInstance].documentTPreview; //Take and set the taken document title
components[1].GetComponent<Text>().text = documents[documentIDToInstance].documentTitle; //Take and set the taken document body
components[2].GetComponent<Text>().text = documents[documentIDToInstance].documentBody; //Set the document preview
//_documentTPreview.text = documents[documentIDToInstance].documentTPreview;
documentIDToInstance = documents.Count;
I hope I explained myself well. Hope anybody can guide me or show me some solutions. I believe the error is when instantiating the prefabs. Thanks!