I’m trying to resolve an error that I’m receiving from my users. They can’t download my game on Android. When they download the game they are recieving an error message “package not signed correctly”
My question is this:
When creating the keystore, can the password for the keystore be the same as the password for the alias?
Yes, but it’s not recommended. If you have more than 1 key in the keystore (i.e. for each game you develop one), you may want to make them different.
This allows you to let one of your (other) developers (if you’re bigger company) use the keystore for the project he is working on, without allowing him to access the other keys in the keystore.
The key store can’t be the reson for this, as the keys are only used to decrypt the public/private keys of the signature, which is then used to sign the package. Are you distributing your via Android Market? If not, you may have accidently used two different keys to sign your game?
This can happen if you let your “beta testers” install an debug-signed game then signed it and sent them. In this case they have to uninstall their previous version and install the new. No way to upgrade in such a case. Other than that, well… have you zip alligned your APK file after compiling it? Doing zipalign after the APK was created and signed, will make the signature invalid and you’ll have to sign it again (this usually happens in the automatic build, but some people have to zip align it manually, depending on some rare circumstances)