Can this playgameservices code be translated to boo

I know I need to learn C#, but unfortunately my time is limited so I really needed to stick to a syntax I know, at least for now. So far I’ve made my whole project in Boo. Even have the play-games-plugin-for-unity working. But something I haven’t figured out is this line here:

((PlayGamesPlatform) Social.Active).ShowLeaderboardUI("Cfji293fjsie_QA");

When I try to translate it I get:

Assets/classes/Main Menu/,40): BCE0017: 
``The best overload for the method
``is not compatible with the argument list '(string)'.

I looked at the code in question and I’m not sure why it isn’t working. Here’s the code:

/// <summary>
        /// Shows the standard Google Play Games leaderboards user interface,
        /// which allows the player to browse their leaderboards. If you have
        /// configured a specific leaderboard as the default through a call to
        /// <see cref="SetDefaultLeaderboardForUi" />, the UI will show that
        /// specific leaderboard only. Otherwise, a list of all the leaderboards
        /// will be shown.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShowLeaderboardUI () {
            if (!IsAuthenticated()) {
                Logger.e("ShowLeaderboardUI can only be called after authentication.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the standard Google Play Games leaderboard UI for the given
        /// leaderboard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='lbId'>
        /// The ID of the leaderboard to display. This may be a raw
        /// Google Play Games leaderboard ID or an alias configured through a call to
        /// <see cref="AddIdMapping" />.
        /// </param>
        public void ShowLeaderboardUI(string lbId) {
            if (!IsAuthenticated()) {
                Logger.e("ShowLeaderboardUI can only be called after authentication.");
            Logger.d("ShowLeaderboardUI, lbId=" + lbId);
            if (lbId != null) {
                lbId = MapId(lbId);

I think for the most part I just don’t know this kind of syntax of C#. I don’t even know where to start googling for it. For the more experience guys out there, Is there any way to translate this code to Boo? Or at the least, work around it?

edited for spelling and more information

that function doesn’t take a parameter