Can Unity 5.5.6f1 be expected to work with Mojave?


A little back story: We’re currently looking at porting an old release to iOS and after looking around for information about what Unity version and XCode to use we ended up upgrading the project to Unity 5.5.6f1 together with XCode 10.1 and OSX High Sierra 10.13.6.
This setup seems to build without errors and lightmaps look ok, but my test device have iOS 12.2 installed and that seems to require XCode 10.2 to build. And XCode 10.2 seems to require Mojave to install.

So now the question is whether Unity 5.5.6f1 is working ok with Mojave or not so we can do good estimations about workload to get this project done? Most issues on the forums seem to be about the file system and that should already be noticable in High Sierra as far as we understand.



We didn’t have any problems with upgrading to mojave for unity, can’t tell you about 5.5. though.