Can Unity create and read/write .ini files for saving campaign progress and other stuff?
You can read / write text files and .ini files are text files, so yes you should be able to do it. There are a couple examples in the Wiki that will help you.
Yes, exactly what bigkahuna said.We are using .ini files, and XML files too, on our current Unity project for handling easily tweakable settings that don’t require a new build to be created. And if you are going the route of .ini files, don’t roll your own solution, use something like the IniParser project to handle the files.
Old thread, but if it’s useful for anybody the FileManagement asset allows to create, edit and save INI files very easily (Here is the documentation). FileManagement includes also an in-game file browser, and a lot of other useful features. Take a look!
how do i make a .ini file that makes the first cinematic dont show again?
also, how do i make that if i reach a object points quantity, i win and it puts a tick in the menu?