Can Vivox 16.x clients chat with older Vivox client using Vivox Developer Portal credentials?

My game has been using the old Vivox client libraries from before Unity purchased Vivox. I’ve now updated to Vivox 16.x. However, if possible I would like players using the updated game client to still be able to voice chat with players using the old client.

As described in the docs, I’m using SetVivoxCredentials() to initialize Vivox using the same server, domain, issuer, and key as the old client is using. I’m also connecting to channels with the same names as the old client connects to. However, so far I haven’t been able to get a player on an old client and a player on a new client to join the same channel together. Should this be possible to do? If so, any idea what I might be doing wrong?

What’s the version number for the old SDK? In most cases this shouldn’t be an issue but if going back all the way to pre-2018 there may be edge cases. Are you able to connect both when only using like versions?

Hi Nick, I don’t find a version number in the old SDK’s files, but they do say “Copyright (c) 2014-2018 by Mercer Road Corp.” And yes, I’m able to connect the clients when they both use either the old or the new version.