Can we Batch Build with Build Manager?

I’ve been playing around with the Platforms package (0.51.1) and haven’t been able to get batch building from the “Build Manager” window working.

After adding my build configurations, when I click the “Batch Build” button I get the following error:

System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
  at Unity.Build.Classic.ClassicBuildProfile.get_SortingIndex () [0x00000] in /{project path}/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.platforms@0.51.1-preview.21/Editor/Unity.Build.Classic/Components/ClassicBuildProfile.cs:51

Looking at the ClassicBuildProfile class at line 51 I see it just throws a NotImplementedException.

Does this mean that batch building isn’t currently supported?

While we’re at it, the documentation for the Platforms package is extremely sparse. Are the pages under and Building an Entities project | Entities | 0.51.1-preview.21 in the Entities documentation all we have to go on?

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Well, that answers that. No sense in spending any more time barking up this tree.
Thanks @Spy-Master !

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