Can we build the tizen distributable .tpk file in unity without having an actual physical device?

Hi everyone.

Can we build the tizen distributable .tpk file in unity without having an actual physical device?
My app can run on simulators but cannot run on devices from Samsung Remote Test Lab. (I already removed ‘Development Build’ from Build Setting )

Can anyone help me ?

Absolutely. Instead of choosing an emulator choose All from the drop down menu. This will build for both the emulator and devices.

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I tried it but still no luck :frowning:

In the location where you chose to build there should be a folder named Device. The TPK will be in there.

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Thank you, I used TPK in Device directory but the app still cannot run.
Here is the crash log

Is there more to that log? I don’t see anything in there indicating a crash.

@Masterfalcon :

Please download the sample in the link and install it on Samsung Z3. It’s just a simple sample which shows a sprite

Hey Masterfalcon did you check out the sample I’ve shared here?

Please download the log file for more information

Working on a MAC, I’ve done a Test Project of a Tizen Build, and I tried to build a Release version.
I’ve tried it with 5.4.5, 5.5.0, 5.5.2 and 5.6.0 Beta.
I’ve only managed to install and play it on a device (Samsung Remote Test Lab) with Unity 5.4.5.

So you should have to downgrade your project to this version. This is the thread we’re discussing it:

@oriolmanya : Thank you so much. You saved my life :slight_smile: