Can we not buy Unity Pro annualy?

My client want a build of his game without the Unity Splash screen
I though i would just cost 170€ (that’s already a lot) but I just figured out that there is no mensualy plan ?
Am I forced to pay 2’000€ over a year to not have this splash screen ??
Any way of avoiding this much waste of money ?

yes, minimum is 1 year…

i believe splash screen will be optional in unity 6 release.

Yeah but sadly I need it for now and the 5 following months only

Unity 6 release is for the 17th of October, so if your client doesn’t need to release his game in the next 20 days, then he doesn’t have to pay anything.

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That is true unless client’s total revenue finances exceed 200k/year, in which case Pro is still required and it still is a year long contract without the ability to pay less than the full amount.

EDIT: Also, if this is a non-gaming related project and client’s total revenue finances exceed 1million/year, you fall under Industry license, which is like 5k/year.


Oh, thanks for the info. I thought it would release at the end of 2024.
I’ll have a talk with him then

Thanks for the details
Client is just a private individual that wanted his dream game, we are not into this revenue range (yet)

Total finances. It’s not just revenue. It’s also any funding for the project from any source.

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