Can we use windows version once out with current lisc?


I’m aware there is a windows version in development for the engine. What I’d like to know is, can us mac users have the “2nd computer” that were allowed to install it on under our liscence as a windows PC?

I don’t know about other people but I bought a £2000 mac just for use with Unity. Otherwise I’d have been quite happy using windows; If I then find out then the windows version comes out that all of us that went out and bought macs for the engine, then have to pay additional money to use the windows version I think I’m gonna be extremely “annoyed”. So basically I’m asking, does our current unity liscence (pro) cover development on both windows and mac?

Adam G

I’m afraid unity staff will disclose no further information than “Window is coming, we’re working on it”.

I do also hope all current users can use both versions…or choose what version to use if the license is going to be split per platform.

I find mac hardware infinitely harder to fix than windows, and at least twice the price, so will most likely get a windows license regardless. OSX is nice, but when hardware issues kick in, meh.



Yeah I just know I’ll feel cheated if pro users (at least) dont get the option to either transfer over to a windows dev liscence, or better yet be allowed to have the 2nd machine they install it on as a windows PC (so the mac and windows installs come together).

I’m happy to report that on this you are wrong! :smile:

We are now disclosing the fact that Unity licenses are cross-platform. Each license can be used by one person but installed on two machines. If you want to install on two Macs, two Windows, or one of each, then go for it. :slight_smile:

Great, thanks Higgy :).

Does this not effectively remove one “pro-only” feature, that of Windows standalone executable compilation? Are dual licenses only for Pro?

Pretty much, but with a Windows IDE available it wouldn’t make sense to keep that limitation anymore. I believe it’s been said that the Indie version will have a splash screen instead, like with Basic on the iPhone version.


We’re taking a look at the Indie/Pro feature delta as clearly some changes will be needed. Stand by for details but Eric is on the right track. :slight_smile:

@ HiggyB and unity crew- You guys rock. I resolve to buy you all a round of beer in person one day before I keel over and die. For the tools you give us it would be worth it to me, to personally travel over there one day, and shout you a beer. Thumbs up for dual platform licensing you guys.


Thats great to hear!

Adam G.

Very generous :slight_smile:
My main dev machine (currently 28" screen @ 1920x1200, Core 2 Duo, 8GB RAM, Vista64 Business, GTX280, soon Core i7 920, 12GB RAM, Vista64 Business, GTX280 unless I decide to go for unity pro first and then for this upgrade) will definitely love to work for me on Unity side a side to my “sluggish” macbook pro :wink:

Another good and strong reason to further focus my work on Unity and get the cash together for a Pro + iPhone Advanced license.

Great news, thank you so much ! :smile: :smile: :smile:

You guys continually make me smile - that news is exactly what I hoped for, but didnt dare to expect.

You show a really strong sense of understanding of what your clients needs are - thank you.

Sounds awesome, I can’t wait.

Although I would definitely like to run Unity on my Windows machine. My G5 is gone and I’m finding the MacBook Pros a little expensive for what you get. Almost bought one today.

Any chance I can persuade the Unity staff to give a hint on a release date for a Windows version? I’ll pay you in comlpliments. :wink:

Awesome, I was hoping this would be the case. I too bought a $2k iMac just to work with unity… Meanwhile I have a PC that has much better graphics abilities along with all my other software licenses are for the PC.

I like the imac but I dunno I’ve just been using windows so long I feel more comfortable on it.

No, not yet, but feel free to “pay” us anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: