Sorry if this question is confusing as I’m totally new to Unity.
We are in a project to create 3D model of a Data Center room. There’re rows of racks and each rack has several servers. We have enough data to draw this room with objects inside. We want to use scripts to draw this 3D model, taking the data in JSON format and output to certain format so that an iPad can download and take it into an AR app. Can this be done automatically by scripting without using the Unity GUI?
If yes, can this automation run in a docker or certain linux server?
Yes, you can generate models on your server in something like OBJ format, download these (perhaps via http) in your iPad app, and render them using an OBJ model parser.
Thanks for your information. Can this server be a docker? If not, can it be Linux?
The server can be literally anything able to serve up HTTP, or whatever networking protocol you choose.