Can you change Static Variable values from another script?

So whenever I press Shift, the Sprint Input Button, the animation plays, yet the WalkAcceleration stays the same. I’m pretty sure I’m missing something or maybe a line is overlapping another line.

Animation Script:

var AnimController : GameObject;
var rSound: AudioSource;
var rLoading: boolean = false;
var rLoadingAnim: Animation;
var Sprinting : Animation;

function Start() {
    // Set all animations to loop
   AnimController.animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
   // except shooting
   AnimController.animation["Reload"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;
   // Put idle and walk into lower layers (The default layer is always 0)
   // This will do two things
   // - Since shoot and idle/walk are in different layers they will not affect
   //   each other's playback when calling CrossFade.
   // - Since shoot is in a higher layer, the animation will replace idle/walk
   //   animations when faded in.
   AnimController.animation["Reload"].layer = 1;
   // Stop animations that are already playing
   //(In case user forgot to disable play automatically)
function Update() {
	if (Input.GetButton("Sprint") && Input.GetButton("Vertical")) {
	animation.CrossFade("Run", 0.4);
	PlayerMovement.walkAcceleration = 11005;
	else {
	animation.CrossFade("Idle", 0.5);
	PlayerMovement.walkAcceleration = 5000;
	if (Input.GetKey("w") && !Sprinting.IsPlaying("Run")) {
	animation.CrossFade("Walk", 0.2);
	if (Input.GetKey("a") && !Sprinting.IsPlaying("Run")) {
	animation.CrossFade("LeftWalk", 0.2);
	if (Input.GetKey("d") && !Sprinting.IsPlaying("Run")) {
	animation.CrossFade("RightWalk", 0.2);
	if (Input.GetKey("s") && !Sprinting.IsPlaying("Run")) {
	animation.CrossFade("Backwards", 0.2);
	if (Input.GetButtonDown("Reload1") && !rLoading && GunScript.currentAmmo < 36) {
	animation.CrossFade("Reload", 0.2);
	GunScript.currentAmmo = GunScript.maxAmmo;
	rLoading = true;
	if (rLoading && !rLoadingAnim.IsPlaying("Reload"))
	rLoading = false;

PlayerMovement Script:

static var walkAcceleration: float = 5000;
var walkAccelAirRatio: float = 0.1;
var walkDeacceleration: float = 5;
var walkDeaccelerationVolx: float;
var walkDeaccelerationVolz: float;
var cameraObject: GameObject;
var maxWalkSpeed: float = 10;
var horizontalMovement: Vector2;
var jumpVelocity: float = 20;
var grounded: boolean = false;
var maxSlope: float = 60;

var paused : boolean = false;

function Update () {

transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, cameraObject.GetComponent(MouseLookScript).currentYRotation, 0);
if (horizontalMovement.magnitude > maxWalkSpeed)
	horizontalMovement = horizontalMovement.normalized;
	horizontalMovement *= maxWalkSpeed;
	rigidbody.velocity.x = horizontalMovement.x;
	rigidbody.velocity.z = horizontalMovement.y;
		rigidbody.velocity.x = Mathf.SmoothDamp(rigidbody.velocity.x, 0, walkDeaccelerationVolx, walkDeacceleration);
		rigidbody.velocity.z = Mathf.SmoothDamp(rigidbody.velocity.z, 0, walkDeaccelerationVolz, walkDeacceleration);
		if (grounded)
		rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * walkAcceleration * Time.deltaTime, 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * walkAcceleration * Time.deltaTime);
		rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * walkAcceleration * walkAccelAirRatio * Time.deltaTime, 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * walkAcceleration * walkAccelAirRatio * Time.deltaTime);

horizontalMovement = Vector2(rigidbody.velocity.x, rigidbody.velocity.z);

	if(Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)


function OnCollisionStay (collision:Collision) {

for(var contact: ContactPoint in collision.contacts) {
	if(Vector3.Angle(contact.normal, Vector3.up) < maxSlope) {
		grounded = true;


function OnCollisionExit () {
grounded = false;

I think that instead of making that a static variable and attempting to change it, you should use the GetComponent class to access the script and modify the variable as a public one. That worked for me more than once. Hope this helps!