Can you confirm receipt using pushClient.SendPlayerMessageAsync

Is there a way for the server to know if the player is online and/or the player has received the message without the player client sending a separate ack?

Im currenly using this successfully for in game texting, but the problem I’m having is I don’t know if the player received the message or not from the SendMessageReply .

On the cloud code side I use this call:
SendMessageReply reply = await _pushClient.SendPlayerMessageAsync()

I have it setup so if the reply.Error is not null, the message is stored and the player retrieves it on logon.

I want this same functionality if the user is offline and/or did not receive the message. Is there any way to do this?

Hi @samhain323 , sorry for the late response!

At the moment this functionality is not possible but is something we have added to our backlog.

The only (current) way of targeting users who are not actively playing is using push notifications, although this is per device (does not target specific player ids) and is not yet callable from cloud code scripts and/or modules so depending on your case this may or may not be a suitable alternative

I have push to specific users using firebase, but i have an issue with in game texts when the user is not online.

They get the push notification that an in game message was received, but the problem is, its not stored because i have no way of knowing whether or not they received the message (they always get the push when a message is sent).

I could save every message, then have the user retrieve every time, but retrieving saved messages, appending new message, then saving them, then have the user retrieve them seems a bit like hammering a nail with a truck, not to mention resource intensive.

I only want to save if they are not online/didnt receive the message.

Any ideas on a better way to do this?