Can you help with a respawn system for my FPS?

I’ve been trying for days now to get a simple respawn system working for an FPS I’m working on. Basically, I want ammo boxes to spawn in fixed locations when the level starts, and to respawn after a short time, in the same place, when the player collects them. If you’ve ever played Goldeneye or Perfect Dark multiplayer, it’s a similar system to that I’m trying to implement.

The code for one of these crates (using prefabs) is below…

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class AmmoRespawn1 : MonoBehaviour
    public AudioSource AmmoSound;
    public bool isSpawned;
    public GameObject spawnedCrate;
    public GameObject spawningCrate;
    public Transform spawningPoint1;

    private void Start()
        Instantiate(spawnedCrate, spawningPoint1.position, spawningPoint1.rotation);
        isSpawned = true;

    private void Update()
        while (isSpawned == false)
            isSpawned = true;

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

        Debug.Log("Picked up some ammo");

        if (GlobalAmmo.LoadedAmmo == 0)
            GlobalAmmo.LoadedAmmo += 10;
            GlobalAmmo.CurrentAmmo += 10;


    IEnumerator Respawn()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(10);
        isSpawned = false;

spawningPoint1 is a cube without rendering that’s been placed in the level.

When I try to run this code, I get some odd results. It seems to spawn huge numbers of crates, and when my FPS camera makes contact, I get thousands of ammo added to my total, when it should only be 10 for each crate. It also often makes the camera fall through the floor where the crate is.

Also, the crate won’t appear at the start of the level unless I’ve already dropped an instance of the prefab spawningCrate in, even though every tutorial I’ve watched suggests I don’t need to do this.

Some more information is needed to be sure what happens. Do you have AmmoRespawn1 script on the prefab you assign to spawnedCrate variable? (Note: you never use the other variable, spawningCrate, in your script!)

If that is the case, then you get thousands of ammo, because each AmmoRespawn1 script Instantiates spawnedCrate in Start(), and that has AmmoRespawn1 on it, and which immediately is entered again, and so on. It is possible that this also causes you to fall through the ground (too many collisions).

Also, I think you should remove the Update() function, because in it you immediately re-enable the ammo. I don’t think that’s what you want to do.

In general, it would be a better idea to always leave the AmmoSpawner1 objects in the game (not calling Destroy() ever), and disabling NOT the game object (because then coroutines don’t run), but only its renderer and collider.