Can you import Adobe Substance material from 3D tool (ie. Blender) and adjust graph parameters?

I see tutorials and articles on importing Substance Materials from Adobe where it downloads all the textures and material and substance graph. When you use Substance Materials on your 3D model and export them to FBX for use in Unity, will it also include these same textures and material and substance graph? If not, what is the workflow for making this work? My goal is to model in Blender, apply one or more substance materials to it, and export for use in Unity where I can make the model customizable by letting the user tweak the substance graph parameters at runtime.

As i know, when you bake textures to model file, they already should be baked to images, no procedural stuff, etc.
Though in .FBX case you can link them, but blender still won’t export textures without them manually turned to single images before, by default.

Here’s addon for Unity, Substance 3D from Adobe, that can be useful and people use for procedural stuff:

Blender has a Substance plugin:

What I’d like to know is if it’s capable of exporting graphs along with the fbx.

I didn’t tried, but. I guess you can’t do a “copy” mode with them and put in single .fbx, cause that requires the cooperation of Autodesk and Adobe at least.

But somehow i guess you can do it separately from FBX but with links in FBX that leads to substance materials, when exporting once, as you can with regular textures. Substance materials will open like any other shader even inside unity and there will be graphs that you probably need and with linking, materials will be already assigned to FBX model when you put all this mess together in one folder inside unity.

Of course the Unity Substance addon will be needed to see them inside its editor, btw.
At least just separate export of one substance material which contains graphs and nodes inside should be possible.