?Can you loop a terrain, to make it never-ending?


If I have a terrain of say 2000 x 2000, is it possible to loop it so that when you reach the edge, you just walk straight onto the opposite side (Like original pac man)


You may want to check out this video on Dynamic Terrain Loading.

There is also a Unify Community Forum post similar to this here

Addition - I came across StitchScape. Thought this might be useful as well.

You would just need to have a collider on each side of the terrain (one for each all set to triggers) and attach a script that once a trigger has been activated reset the players "x" or "z" to either "0" or "2000" depending on which side you walk off of. this will effectively "teleport" your player giving a wrapping or continuous terrain effect. From there you would just need to make it look pretty by somehow masking the instantaneous disappearing/reappearing of you your player. Hope that answers your question.

If your heightmap doesn't tile perfectly. You could use the the objImporter and create a mesh with mirrors. So one side joins the other perfectly without any visible seam.