Can you make text aligned to the bottom be shorter at the top?

I have text that is changed dynamically in game. I want new lines to go higher if it’s long enough to need a second line, which you can do with bottom align. However, I get this:

        A bunch of text that is 

But I want this:

             A bunch
     of text that is useful.

Is there a setting that allows text to fill up the lower line before the top? Thanks

You can do it this way…

Use alignment centre/top for the text component.

Rotate the text component by 180 degrees on both it’s x and y axis.

Use an upside down font eg. Download UpsideDown Font - Thousands of fonts to download for free

And reverse the order of the characters in the string.

You can use a function something like this to reverse a string in c#

public string Reverse(string text)
   if (text == null) return null;

   // this was posted by petebob as well 
   char[] array = text.ToCharArray();
   return new String(array);

Unfortunately I can’t think of an easier way to do it natively in Unity.

String reverse code copied from here c# - Best way to reverse a string - Stack Overflow

You could word-wrap the text yourself. The font will expose the widths of all the characters (see Unity - Scripting API: Font.GetCharacterInfo); insert line breaks at the appropriate locations in your string.

If you’re using a dynamic font, make sure you call Font.RequestCharactersInTexture() to ensure that the glyphs are in the Font atlas.