Can you publish to Google Play Store using Unity 4.6.0b20 beta?

Hi there Uniteers. We are about to start a six week production period, and the end result should be a game which can be published to Google Play Store. Is this possible, if the game is developed in a beta version of Unity, more specific Unity 4.6.0b20? Are the any licensing issues?


yes, but I think Unity 4.6 will be released before Christmas and efforts moved into Unity 5. Purely conjecture on my part to say that by the way.

releasing a game with the beta is ok, tho no recommended but if it works for you there is no problem to do so…releasing via webplayer tho is not currently allowed to my knowledge

Thanks for the reply, however, because of our requirement of publishing our game to Google Play Store we need to be absolutely sure.

True, using a beta can be considered risky, but I have been playing around for some time with 4.6, and so far I haven’t experienced anything which couldn’t be fixed by ourselves, and we are heavily in need of the new GUI implementation. Luckily, we are not in need of webplayers

The thing that is beta in 4.6 is the GUI. Every new beta gets the fixes from the most recent stable release of 4.5.x, so technically all about the game engine is as stable as it currently gets. The new GUI is just going through massive changes with each update.

If you can live with a bit of rewriting, or the current beta works well for you, I don’t see a problem :slight_smile:

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Heey fokes, @BenjaminDADIU were so kind to show me this question asked in the FAQ on the Unity 4.6 Beta forum:



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agreed just passing what was told to me i to will be releasing with 4.6 as i have yet to have issues with it

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I’ve released my game with the beta version on the 21st. No issues so far.

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