Can you rotate a Vector3?

Hi! I’m making a platformer game with custom gravity, and I need to have a Vector3 that is always rotated 90 degrees from another Vector3. gravityUp, gravityRight, and gravityForward are all vectors. Here is the script:

                gravityUp = (transform.position - Gravity.transform.position).normalized;
                gravityRight = gravityUp;
                gravityForward = gravityUp;

I just need to be able to rotate gravityRight and gravityForward by 90 degrees along the X and Z axis. I basically want it to say gravityRight = gravityUp + 90 degrees, but I don’t know how to do that. Thank you!

gravityRight = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 0f) * gravityUp;

if I understood you correctly: when you say along X and Z, I imagine around Y.
You either specify a plane of rotation (“rotation on XZ plane”) or you specify an axis (“rotation on Y axis”).

You said something in between, and now I can’t tell if your game is in XZ or in some other plane.
I.e. What is gravityUp? Is it (0, 1, 0) or is it (0, 0, 1)?