Edit2 ^^ That is the code I have, for some reason the editor here is deleting parts of it.
So I’ve spent a significant amount of time on this issue and I’m wondering if it is a bug or if I’m just flippin nuts.
Okay so I have a 2D array of GameObject tiles with an x of 10 and y of 12. I have the array on a GameManager script on a separate GameObject in the scene.
When the game begins a circle is instantiated as a child of one of the gameObjects in the array, thus putting it on that ‘space’. The deal is I’m trying to access the GameManager script from the circle’s script through a public GameObject variable. This variable is set in the inspector so I should just be able to access the GameManager Script right?
The code I have to access the script is:
public GameManager gameManager;
TileInfo tileInfo = gameManager.tile[topLeftX, topLeftY].transform.GetComponent();
//This always gets a null reference exception.
I’m trying to access the 2D array from the gameManager.
Ultimately I’m looking to:
grab a script from the tile, through the gameManager’s 2Darray, through a public GameObject in the script that is above.
I’m sorry if this is confusing, I’ll put more if you think I need it, I’ve debugged down to that accessing the gameManager script is the problem.