Cannot Access IOS Resolver

Dear All,

I am having trouble to access the mobile dependecies resolver for IOS. Somehow when navigation to Assets/mobile dependencies resolver/ IOS resolver, I see two options; Install CocoaPods and Settings. The thing is I already installed CocoaPods and when I click on Install a pop up appears saying:" IOS Resolver
CocoaPods installation detected /Users/user/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin/pod. I installed CocoaPods via the Editor and saw a warning telling me:

em install cocoapods – user-install WARNING: You don’t have /Users/user/.gem/ruby /2.6.0/bin in your PATH, gem executables will not run. Successfully installed cocoapods- 1.14.3 | Parsina documentation for cocoapods-1.14.3 Installina ri documentation for cocoapods- 1.14.3 Done installina documentation for cocoapods after 1 seconds geminstallea Downloading CocoaPods Master Repository /Users/user/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin/pod setup Setup completed

So I added the CocoaPods path to my PATH variable with the following commands:

  • echo ‘export PATH=“$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin:$PATH”’ >> ~/.bash_profile
  • source ~/.bash_profile

Still nothing changed… Since I don’t find anything in the internet (and even Chat gpt wasn’t a big help…) here I am asking you guys for some advice.

I use a Macbook pro 2023 with the M2-chip.

Hi @TheWitcher187
Assuming this is related to Levelplay, can you at least run our demo project successfully? Does the cocoapods warning happen here too?

If you can’t, maybe related to IDE settings somewhere. Lets open up a support ticket to track here:

Hi @cnguyen_unitylevelplay ,

Before adding the ads package or better said enabled ads in game, I was able to build and run the game on my IOS device (Iphone 11). However now I am not able to build anything on IOS. After unistalling cocoapods and trying to install it with sudo and --user-install I still get the warning about the gem executables. I tried to delete the Library folder and hoped that may help me, and I actually now can build it but now in XCode I get the error, that ironsource.h cannot be found when importing it in the framework…


/Users/user/Desktop/MobileGame/IOSBuild/Libraries/IronSource/Plugins/iOS/iOSBridge.h:10:9 ‘IronSource/IronSource.h’ file not found

Did you find any fix for this?

unfortunately not. I switched to google admob which worked like a charm.